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Volume 4, Issue 3 (September 2014)
BSI Director Professor David Chan has been re-appointed as Chairman of the International Advisory Panel for the National Addictions Management Service and National Council on Problem Gambling as well as a member of the Research Advisory Panel for the National Population and Talent Division, Prime Minister's Office and the Governing Board of the Singapore Workplace Safety and Health Institute.
In July, Professor David Chan delivered an invited keynote address on advances in understanding subjective well-being at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology held in Paris, France. In September, he delivered an invited address on competency assessment at the 2nd International Symposium on the Emerging Trends in Human Resource Assessment held at the Civil Service Development Institute at the Republic of China (Taiwan).
Upcoming Events

30 September 2014
Divisive Issues & Social Threat: The Dissensus Effect
Seminar by Joseph Simons
Scientist, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR

04 November 2014
The Dynamics of Goal-oriented Leader Behaviour in Action Teams
Seminar by Gillian Yeo
Professor of Management & Organisations, University of Western Australia

11 November 2014
Reducing Disagreements, Inefficiency and Mistrust in Agent-human e-Business
Negotiations: A Socio-technical Approach

Seminar by Yang Yinping

Highlights of Recent Seminars
19 August 2014
William Tov, Assistant Professor of Psychology, SMU, presented a seminar titled "Self-Reports of Well-Being: Are They Valid Even Though We Can’t Remember Everything That Happens To Us?". He examined the validity of self-report measures of happiness and satisfaction, and evaluated the extent to which conscious recollection of specific events trumps actual experiences.
26 August 2014
Grace Park, Assistant Professor of Psychology, SMU, presented a seminar titled "Approach and Avoidance Motives - Emotions and Satisfaction". She presented three empirical studies that explored the dynamics between approach and avoidance orientations and their effects on satisfaction and goal pursuits.
23 September 2014
Quek Boon Kiat, Scientist and Capability Group Manager at A*STAR, presented a seminar titled "Modelling and Simulating Human Performance on the Implicit Association Test". He demonstrated how computational modelling and simulations may be used to examine processes underlying the Implicit Association Test commonly use in psychological research.
Insights from Behavioural Sciences

In this regular section on Insights from Behavioural Sciences, we feature a seminar presented by Dr. Jack Chiang from Peking University, in which he examined how team leaders dealing with emotionally-charged situations may have an effect on team performance through adopting different leadership styles that influence the likelihood of team members suppressing the expression of their emotions. Click here for a summary of the talk held on 2 September 2014.
Applications from Behavioural Sciences

In this regular section on Applications from Behavioural Sciences, we feature an invited commentary by Professor David Chan. The article explained how a paradoxical approach to policymaking can handle policy tensions and lead to a better outcome. He used the examples of the Central Provident Fund (CPF) and the Edusave Character Award to illustrate how it is possible to endorse two seemingly opposing views at the same time but nonetheless produce a solution that is aligned with both views. The article was published in The Straits Times on 23 August 2014.

About BSI
The Behavioural Sciences Institute (BSI) is a multi-disciplinary research institute for creating, disseminating and applying scientific knowledge about human behaviours in various social, organisational and cultural settings. For more information on BSI, please refer to our website. Should you have any further enquiries, do contact us with the email or phone contact details provided below.